How lame is the movie title - Wolfman.
Kinda gives you an impression that it is a cheap thrill type. Well it is.
The thrill bit only because it has delicious Bernicio Del Toro.
Oh, and also because it has Anthony 'I love playing freaks' Hopkins (sorry, that was somewhat of a spoiler).
There really isn't anything I can say about this movie accept that Bernicio is just...well...you really just want to eat him up. He makes werewolves seem very attractive (oops, another spoiler...maybe...depending on how you look at it), irresistible actually.
Anyway, the lover fell asleep watching this. See, it wasn't cause he was tired...if he'd been tired, he wouldn't have stayed up after the movie (23h00) to watch his favourite English team playing.
Must say seconds into the movie, I knew it would be somewhat lame. Just its first few seconds made the movie seem somewhat cheap. I thought the trailers were pretty good though, hence I opted to see it. Donno...I'd give it one spoon. Three-quarters for Bernicio Babe - he really carried the movie, and the other quarter for Mr Hopkins - he was just funny, he brought some lightness to the scary monster which I thought he played extremely well.
Its the kind of movie that you laugh the scary parts at. There was probably just one scary bit that really freaked me out, but after a while, you just laugh at it all cause its that ridiculous. I don't know, I was left thinking why the heck this movie was made at all. It really didn't add anything new or interesting (okay maybe the werewolf face-off was new...oops, spoiler there), I thought anyway.
If you do see it, tell me what you think.