So no. It is not The Matrix. It is not Dark City. It is not What Dreams May Come. It is not even the Sixth Sense. Although all these films do come to mind when watching Inception. You would think this was one mind blowing mind bender that pushes you to question stuff and have really interesting conversations afterward. It is not.
The only thing I heard from people who watched the movie was, yeah, it was really interesting you have to concentrate. I had the feeling that they did not really know what to make of the movie and did not want to dismiss it out right. Well people, imma say it, this movie was shite.
The fact that Leonardo DiCaprio was in this really works against it because this is not a performance driven movie but more of an idea driven movie.
What they try to do in the movie, to create an idea in ones’ subconscious through breaking into your dreams is kinda like what they try to do with the audience. As an audience member, much like a dreamer, I did not very much buy into the movie. I somehow believe that rather than our dreams creating our reality, our dreams are the filing cabinets or the post office for our reality. Breaking into someone’s dream to plant an idea seems to be as effective as trying to kill someone by waiting for them to die. You wanna mess with someone’s mind and subconscious, have a conversation with them.
And another thing, there is a question on whether we as people perceive reality the same, that my perception is totally different to the next person’s, how in hell if we struggle with this can we even begin to share and participate in one dream?
Back to Dicarprio, the dude just towered over his co actors, it was painful to watch. As brilliant as Ellen Page was in Juno, putting her up against Dicarprio was just plain bad casting. It was wrong. That role should have gone to some male actor who’d act a little insane. A little like Brad Pitt’s character in twelve monkeys? Hey that’s another movie that comes to mind.
What I liked about the movie, is that it connected all of us by identifying what we all have in common, that dreaded dream where we fall. We are all one in our terror there.
Watching Inception was for me like reading my horoscope, interesting, good positive ideas but no basis for me to believe any of it is true, even in a darkened theater where we are suppose to suspend what we know in order to escape.
Love the weight less scenes though.
Two spoons
Disclaimer/Confession: Inception was watched at bedtime, had to dope up with a can of redbull to make sure that I did not fall asleep. Staying up past one’s bedtime has been shown to skew one’s perception and experience of the world. I am cranky!