Friday, 20 November 2009

Inglorious Bastards...absolutely awful

I fell asleep during this movie. That should tell you something.
I hardly ever, ever, ever sleep during a movie.
A movie should never be this long...especially when it is just so unexciting. Dull is the word. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disappointed in this.
Brad Pitt is really not that great in terms of his choice in movies. You'd think he would be. Should have skipped this one, but I guess its like, how do you say no to Tarantino.
He should have never written this movie.
I'm actually very upset about this. I had so much faith in this movie.

Anyway, apart from the movie being way too long...I expected more blood in true Tarantino style...he didn't even give us that...not enough anyway.

I'd say there was probably just a single moment in the entire film where I got super excited that something was about to go down and it delivered on the anticipation and that was when one of the bastards whacked one of the nazi's with a baseball bat. Nothing else is worth mentioning. Seriously. The whole plot around having the theatre (yes, this is a spoiler post) burnt to kill on the nazis including Hitler himself took too damn long to actually action. It was awfully boring.

Argh. That's it. That's all.


Brokensword said...

oh nooooo.

Did I tell you about the pirate copy me and the brother tried to watch which Wonder brought back from Bali? It was hilarious!!!You know the first like 10 minutes of the movie (i don't know how long becuaes we had to switch the damn thing off) is like in a foreign language? Well this pirate dvd had subtitles that were sooooo wack, they give new meaning to lost in translation. I swore from then on I would be a good movie junkie citizen and buy original, or at least wait till it come out on Mnet!!

Annywho, so you say it is cool to wait for this to come out on DVD? Am happy to wait because the preview of the pirate dvd just put me off.

But if you want to have a good laugh, I will lend you the pirate copy.

Brokensword said...

Heartwarmer, i think we have a bug. Did you see the two comments in giberish?

Brokensword said...

okay, watched this last night and I think the problem is that the subtitles went too quickly. I struggled to follow the conversations. I usually enjoy the dialouge in Tarantino's films, but this proves that it is not the same if it is in a foreighn language. Stuff tends to get lost.