Sunday, 15 August 2010

Social media mafia? it’s a big virtual playground…

Not exactly the e-mafia story, I will leave that to some other braver person to pen. This is more of a school playground social media story. Not sure if this scenario has been painted before (everything has been done before) but this is my take on it.

The online scene is similar to a school playground. You have your cool kids, your geeks, your bullies, your drug dealers lurking on the other side of the fence, your cool teachers who ‘get’ their students, and all other sorts, garths, loners, nose pickers, et cetera, et cetera!

Here is a bit of a segmentation:

The geeks: these are your actual, modern day cool kids actually. Reversal of fortune. The ones that were shunned and mocked for being too smart and being know-it-alls and got the snort beat out of them? Yeah them, they now rule the play ground. How else would you explain the popularity of the biggest geeks on twitter right now?

The cool kids: these are the ones that won’t even acknowledge the playground, they are out somewhere else frenching, doing afterschool jobs and smoking cigarettes. Not living through 140 characters at a time or begging for friendship to forgotten school acquaintances. These guys rock and everybody on the playground still want to be them.

The Bullies: These are the guys that give some of the kids on the playground a hard time. They are not the law but have knighted themselves as such. They piss on any good idea that is not their own and other kids follow them because they are afraid of being their next victim.

The dealers lurking on the other side of the fence: These are your corporates trying with all their corporate might to fit in with the kids but they are just too old and too obvious. The meek fall for their act and buy the wares they are peddling but everybody else knows that this is no place for a hawker. The children just wanna play!!!

The skanks: These are the whores of social media who follow anyone that has an account, accept friendships from total strangers, check in to every venue for whatever prize, post unflattering pics of their kin, have overly flattering cv’s on linked, etc, etc, etc. You know who you are! These are the guys who also hook up with the cool kids outside the bleachers because they would not want to miss out on real life as well.

The cool teachers: My favourites. These are your wise, older, sexy, hanging on by a thread personalities that parents can relate to. They help parents understand the dynamics of the play ground and all the skanks and the virtuous virgins fall in love with them. They

There are many many more cliques on the playground, which one would you be? And feel free to match actual social media personalities with the cliques above and the ones you come up with.

*Picture - Skins, the first group. one of the best and twisted series ever!

Friday, 6 August 2010

Hurt Locker

Hurt Locker - the budget that shamed Avatar

Ralph Fiennes, Guy Pierce, they have very brief but fatal appearances

“The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug.”

So Hurt locker won best feature at this year’s Oscars, with a fraction of the Avatar budget and an ex wife of the Avatar maker directing. Did it deserve it?

Well, I always believe that the American psyche is a fickle one. Their collective guilt and continued conflicted presence in the countries they hope to liberate is enough to influence the influenceable Hollywood Foreign Press.

I also believe that less is more and a drama driven script (as opposed to special effects driven one) will always come out on top.

Hurt Locker has great suspense, great dramatic performances, but one gets the feeling that this is a made for American public eyes. Kinda like the war news reels they used to make during WWII to gain support of the American public. CNN, Aljazeera, Sky, BBC, you are tame, America needs sequential timeous neatly packed drama to start making sense of their boys being out there. Hurt Locker tells a story, which also, has no end.

War breeds war.

Hurt Locker deserved to beat Avatar, simply because Star Trek was not in the running for best Oscar flick.

Disclaimer: all references to americans are made with limited actual knowledge of americans, except their dismal showing at the 2010 world cup.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Made for TV movies!

So I just came back from watching my favourite gal, "Ugly Betty", on the big screen. I guess having her background in television, I should have known that this would be a TV type movie. You know, the kind you can afford to wait to see on television. The kind that the big screen can't even help boost a little. Yeah, that's Our Family Wedding alright.
Don't get me wrong, I mean it was relatively entertaining. I mean, about thirty minutes into the movie I realised that it was the kind of show that you had to drive yourself to be entertained by. Know what I mean. Its kinda like laughing at your fiance's joke even though they aren't THAT hilarious. You do it cause you generally enjoy him.
I generally enjoy Ugly Betty, so I couldn't let this movie be a complete dud for me so I laughed at the jokes...funny parts rather which seemed soooooo rehearsed/overdone.
I mean can you ever imagine Forest Whitaker aka Idi Amin as a funny character in a romantic comedy? Doesn't fit right...he tries to play an old hottie in this movie (younger women can't help but fall for him...apparently) and...I don't know I just find his eye to be a distraction. Is that just me?
Anyway, you can definitely wait to see this one on M-net. Oh yeah, that Regina King (I hope that's right) from 227 is also in this...she too just can't help but drop her draws for oh so irresistible Forest.
Oh and the overall storyline, paler girl meets darker boy - they fall in love - want to get married - but wait till the very last moment to tell their family - is soooooooooooooooooooooooo old. What year did Jungle Fever come out again?
1 and a half spoons