Friday, 21 June 2013

Star Trek - Into Darkness

This was one of those theater events (if they can still be called such) I was looking forward to this year. The last time I was in a theater before this I think was for the Dark Night Rises. Everything else has been made available to me in other ways or I just have not had the interest. I fear in my aging comes the fact that most iterations of the story has been done, done well, and can never be outdone.

The same applies with the Star Trek franchise. Simply put, this cast of new and ‘improved’ original series characters come across as caricatures or impersonators of the original crew. Most especially, Bones. His one liners (Damn it Jim, what the hell is the matter with you) feel stale as punch lines.

I enjoyed the 2009 installment, and I understand why. When the original series was first broadcast, I was too young to have been a fan, and my love of star trek is my love of The Next Generation. The decision to go back to the original series characters and universe gave an opportunity to make a connection with the original series that I really never made before. Plus, the idea of Zachary Quinto, the villain Sylar from Heroes, playing Spock was just too delicious. The 2009 Start Trek was great, check it here.

Back to 2013, Into Darkness, and what worked. Benedict Cumberbatch. That’s it that’s all. The dude is brilliant actor. Intense, mysterious, I suppose much borrowed from his role as Sherlock, the two are similar. Apparently Benedict Cumberbatch fans are called Cumberbitches, I don’t like that, but I am a fan.

Back to 2013, Into Darkness, and what did not work. The Wrath of Khan was probably the most popular of the Star Trek motion pictures. This is where JJ went for Into Darkness. Watching it now the Wrath of Khan was one of the more emotional installments of the franchise, yes, I might have shed a tear and my breath does get caught a little when Sheldon and Leonard bring up the needs of the many vs the needs of the few…

So JJ brings all of that back! Not to be a spoiler but there’s even a reverse scene where Spock and Kirk re-enact the radiation room scene. Why? Why? The other problem with Into Darkness was watching it with someone who is less forgiving of holes and loose threads in story telling. Following the screening it became even clearer why I did not like this Star Trek, damn it Jim it made no sense. My companion pointed out (and he can’t help that he’s a bit of a Sheldon Cooper) the inadequate reasons for Kirk violating the Prime Directive (there really should never be any reason to violate the Prime Directive, that’s why its Prime), the measures the evil admiral goes to start a war (when he can just simply hang around the neutral zone and pick a fight), etc etc etc. The story is just too messy and I may, argh, I will watch it again and see what I missed but from a first screening ehhh.

Star Trek into Darkness…2 Spoons, one for Benedict the other for Cumberbatch. Hopefully the next instalment will be a little more thought through…

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