Madame Zingara is a freak show. I kid you not. I'd read about it vaguely when it first hit Joburg sometime last year, and people made a big fuss about the food bit. I don't remember anybody ever mentioning that it was a freak show. I would have remembered.
I had a fantastic time last night at Monte Casino. Apparently the show's sold out until it moves on to whatever city its planning to head to next. It was a full house last night. Madame Zingara, at least my sister tells me, used to be a restuarant in Cape Town, until it burnt down. The idea I get is that it was a big hit there...but then it burnt down you see.
And so this fabulous idea for it to become a mobile restuarant/freak show was born. Travelling from city to city I imagine.
If you haven't been, I can't recommend a better plan for a splendid night out. It has all the right ingredients. Great acts. Scrumptious food. Great music.
I don't want to give it all away, so I'm not going to say much else (unless you really want me to)...its a must see. If by some luck you do happen to out for 'the creature'.
I had a crush on the creature. At first you wonder if the walls are moving, then comes the freakout, then ooohhhh moment, then hhhmmm moment, then amazement and then respect, then adoration then love. He's really cool.
I agree it is a freakshow. It is, I suppose a kind of 21st century circus.
see also the post i did a few months ago
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