Wednesday 17 December 2008

Not the movie of the week

I watched some Martin Lawrence movie two days ago and it was so bad I almost cried. I can't blame the lover for this one, it was my pick. I wanted something very light, and something know, just wanted something I would enjoy without having to think too hard and so on.
Well, the movie was light but not a inch of humour...atleast nothing that I found particularly funny.

The movie was so bad, I can't even remember what it was called. It was so bad, I'm glad I don't remember what it was called so none of you will ever get to watch it - even if it was to confirm how pathetic it was. This is the second time I've watched a really, really bad Martin Lawrence movie and I have now vowed to boycott all his movies.

The only movie I thorougly enjoyed that he made was Bad Boys, but I think that was more about Will than about Martin? I reckon he should've rather stuck to his sitcom? But I wonder if the supposed jokes there would have been outdated too by my standards of what is funny. I think his biggest problem is that he hasn't been able to reinvent himself...much like Eddie Murphy in my mind. But he even had Dreamgirls atleast.

I mean Will did the whole reinvention successfully playing all his super-hero parts. Jamie Foxx did it in multiple roles. Heck, even Queen Latifah isn't half bad.

Anywho, here's to the end of watching Martin Lawrence on screen

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