Friday, 10 August 2007

My woman's day

I was keen to watch Mr Bean goes on holiday, mainly because three weeks have passed without me seeing any DVD’s or movies. So when I went to the video store I was excited at the number of titles that had come in and had not seen.

So my woman’s day was spent on the couch with bacon and eggs for brunch and pasta for dinner and a lot of bits and goodies in between. This is my ultimate way to recharge my batteries and it works wonders!

Of all the titles I had not seen, that were released during my involuntary movie fast, Mr Bean was one and I saw, Ghost Rider, Stranger than Fiction and just for good measure I threw in Grimm Love.

Mr Bean works in 30 minute bits. That’s it that’s all. I adore Mr Bean but if you have seen all the seasons on TV, then you have seen this movie. Nothing new. I think actually one of the episodes was entitled Mr Bean goes on holiday where he goes through the trouble of changing from his pants to his swimming trunks (trying not to expose himself) only to find out that the only other person on the beach is blind and would not have seen his private bits if he exposed them. Mr Bean was made for short bits on TV and if he is going to make movies then he must stick to short roles like 4 weddings and a funeral.

On to Stranger than Fiction. Loved the cast and love the fact that Will Ferrell is going a little more into cerebral humour. I like Will, falls into my Jim Carrey and even the Farrelly Brothers category. They make me laugh out loud and I will take that any day! Stranger than Fiction itself was not fresh enough I think, it was entertaining and you have to sit back and just enjoy Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman. It reminded me of Adaptation, this is not a bad thing, it reminded me of the Truman Show which is also not a bad thing. But I suppose one does not want to be reminded and be comparing movies to other movies. I say again, there is finite number of original ideas in the world and all we can do is shift the perspective a little.

Ghost rider. Nicolaas Cage looks anorexic in this one. Besides that little fact, do not see it, it is just bad.

Then came Grimm Love. You will find this title in the dark corner of the new releases, where it should stay. I am sure you remember the recent story of the guy that ate his lover? Do we really want to know why? I thought I did. After seeing the movie I don’t know why and actually, now I know that I do not want to know.

So Beenz, if you have not seen any of the above yet, go with Stranger than Fiction. Everything else is crap!


Heartwarmer said...

Why the heck would you watch Ghost Rider? Haai, Haai, Haai.
Will check out the other one though...think tonight's my movie night.

Beenz said...

Thanks for the heads-up, B/S. I'm so glad you ladies are watching movies again! Please recharge your batteries more frequently, I need my fix.

Brokensword said...

beenz, I wuv you!!!

Beenz said...

Lol...right back at ya!