Friday 1 May 2009

He’s just not that into you

I remember seeing this dude on Oprah a couple of years ago and he had some interesting insights into what men do and how women should interpret these messages.

I was therefore surprised that these insights would be turned into a movie.

It also surprised me that the movie would conclude that the insights are all .subject to exception.

The rules

• He's just not that into you if he's not asking you out
• He's just not that into you if he's not dating you
• He's just not that into you if he's having sex with someone else
• He's just not that into you if he's not calling you
• He's just not that into you if he's disappeared on you

One of the main characters gets these insights from a bar tender who turns into a love interest for her. The barman lives by these rules and eventually buckles under his own rules. The point of the movie?... Disregard everything that has been said prior and hang on to whatever misinterpreted, misplaced signal inadvertently made.

Us women are so stupid, and made even stupider by these kinds of movies.


Heartwarmer said...

hehehe, I really didn't enjoy this movie. Oprah really created so much hype from the dude with that book. This movie was pathetic in my mind. Wouldn't have watched had it not been for a friend who insisted on it...must have been the hype.

Heartwarmer said...

oh, very surprised that YOU, oh great Brokensword would watch this. I reckon you have too much time in your hands.

Brokensword said...

Went to the movies hoping to go watch Watchmen with brotherman when he was here but it was not showing. He did not want to watch Monsters vs Aliens so we ended up watching this. And it surprised me that brotherman would rather watch a chick flick than an animated movie. hhhhmmmm.