A school boy named Trevor McKinney (Haley Joel Osment) is given a project to complete by his social studies teacher Eugene Simonet (Kevin Spacey). His task is to come up with a plan that will change the world through direct action.
On his way home from school later that day, Trevor notices a homeless man, and decides he's going to try make a difference in his life and takes him home with him.
Trevor then comes up with a plan to ‘Pay it Forward’ by doing a good deed for three people who must in return each do good deeds for three other people.
The movie is based on a book by Catherine Ryan Hyde, and is one of my favourite movies of all time.
Free to air channel e-tv had it on this afternoon, and I again (must be the 10th time) balled my eye balls out watching the end. But not just the end, the idea of it all…
A little boy in search of hope is inspired by his teacher to change the world. His own life is troubled with his father gone, and a mom who works a lot and has a drinking problem…which means Trevor’s gotta take care of himself.
Trevor loves his mom, and wants her to overcome her problems, but he knows its something she can’t do by herself. So ‘Pay it Forward’, Trevor’s concept, doing something for somebody that they can’t do for themselves (Some intervention is definitely needed in my life right now) is born.
The end is heartbreaking…Trevor tries to help out a friend who is being attacked by bullies. He tries to fight them off…but can’t. One of the boys pulls out a knife…
*sniff sniff.
And stabs Trevor…and he dies. How very sad...
As a side note. I’m really looking forward to Will Smith’s movie Pursuit of Happyness…I just love this touchy feely types.
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